Phones are not to be used during school. Every student is assigned a personal Yondr Pouch. While the Yondr Pouch is considered school property, it is each student’s responsibility to use their Pouch every day and keep it in good working condition.
As students Arrive to School, they will:
1) Pick up your Yondr Pouch
2) Turn their phone off
3) Place their phone inside their Pouch and secure it in front of school staff.
4) Store their Pouch on their person for the day.
At the end of the day, students will open their Pouch, remove their phone, and put their Pouch in the Pouch Container located at the front of the school.
Students arriving late or leaving early will pouch/unpouch their phones at the main entrance.
Pouch Damage / Lost Pouch / Using Phone During School
If a student damages their Pouch or is caught on their phone, the Administration will collect the phone/Pouch and call home. The student will receive 1 day of ISS for the first violation and the parent will have to pick up the phone. If the behavior persists, the student in question will not be allowed to enter the campus with the phone. If a Pouch is damaged the student will be fined a $20 replacement fee.
*Any unpaid fines could result in a delay in graduation
Examples of damage:
● Deep scratches on the globe and on the green ring around it
● Intentional pen marks on the inside of the Pouch
● Bent pin
Pin and button not fully recessing, due to pin damage